Howdy howdy howdy. I'm Woody.
What is up family?? Man, you guys are all moving up in position and authority. New Deacon, Teacher's President, Sumo Sacerdote?? That’s so cool!!!
Haha funny, Logan teaching Ammon. Actually in our Ward there's a family with three kids who all play the piano. They're younger (15, 14, 12) and the oldest studies some hard core theory. They're at the church every Tuesday night to practice the piano and study, and I'm always there because that is when we teach English classes, so I help them out a ton with that. I also want to show them how to work the Organ, because it's super easy and a Sacrament Meeting without the Organ makes me sad. First I have to find whoever has the keys to the Organ first though because it is locked. UGH. FRUSTURATING. And don't get too cocky Logan. Range ain't nuthin. That's child's play. Try driving in Toronto. Everyone's crazy drivers. Because they develop the trait of no laws from their countries and they bring that trait over to this one. So whenever you drive, almost getting killed about 3 to 5 times a day is pretty normal. As a pedestrian, a driver, or a stop sign.
YES!!! ALL HAIL CHRISTMAS!!!! I'm SO PUMPED!!! You all should see if you can go to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert because it looks SO COOL and I really want to go but I can't. They're having Laura Osnes, an incredible Broadway Actress, a British Actor who also did the voice of Felix-It Felix I believe, and 4 Opera Singers. It's going to be SO GREAT!! You should go because I can’t. BYU Young Ambassadors sounds fun. I’m bummed they didn't come while I was there.
Yeah, last Friday we had a mission wide conference call where the President told us about the changes in the Church Handbook on Homosexuality. It's super intense. My biggest worry is that the separation of church and law is really starting to take place. Buckle Up. Here comes the Second Coming. You all should watch the video though of Elder Christofferson talking about it. Just go to the Mormon Newsroom. Then scroll down and look at all the new temples they are building. They’re super cool!!
This week has been very busy and successful for us. We haven't done anything too crazy, but today we're going downtown to Smoke's Burritorie again and maybe I'll go buy a guitar also. Hmmm???? 8) One thing that the mission has been focusing on a lot is trying to teach 20 lessons a week to everyone we can (Active Members, Less Active Members, New Converts, Investigators). It's a huge goal, but this week my companions and I are shooting for at least 20, which is a big leap from the 9 we had last week. I find that the more lessons we teach throughout the day, the more Spirit I feel and the happier I am. So I super excited for it all. Other than that, not too much has gone on. Hasn't snowed yet. Darn. But I’m super excited for Christmas.
You're talk sounds fantastic, Mom. One thing we focus on as missionaries is Personal Revelation through Prayer, Church Attendance, and the Book of Mormon. It's very important because people aren't going to change without Personal Revelation. Someone can be taught all the lessons many times by the missionaries, but if they don't act for themselves, they are going to get nowhere. I've also learned that this applies to testimonies. People can say that they "believe" that something is true, because it makes sense, or they heard it from someone they trust. But unless people ACT and receive their own revelation and experience of something, whether it's the Book of Mormon, or Tithing, or if God knows them personally; they're never going to progress Spiritually. Personal Revelation and Spiritual Experiences are Awesome. I invite you all to go experience them for yourselves, because you're never going to progress or find true happiness if you don't. I love you all and hope the best for everyone. Happy Holidays!!!
P.S. There were two questions you didn't answer from my last email about what is our phone number and how much did the flags cost that you bought. It would be wonderful to know as soon as possible. Also, I'm sending a bunch of pictures from the last while because now I have the means to. So BUCKLE UP.
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