Monday, September 21, 2015


This week has probably been the shortest and easiest of my life!!! No, I kid, but things have definitely gotten better here. Sorry about last week, it was really rough for me the first week. But now, I'm high flying. I decided that it takes about a week to adapt to any different atmosphere, then, as long as you can find joy in different things, you'll be alright (hopefully). So I'm doing great. So, we are pretty sparse with work, but things are definitely picking up. We have two investigators that we have taught, but NEITHER OF THEM CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!! So that was pretty upsetting. But in the words of the Beatles, "DON'T LET ME DOOOOOOWWWWWNNN!!!!" Love that song.
So my mission is actually very different from most. We have started this new way of work (which actually started the DAY I got there), so it's new for everybody here. The idea is that we not only want to put the emphasis on getting our investigators into the waters of baptism, but we're putting a HUGE emphasis on helping New Converts and Inactive or Active members progressing to their next covenant (ex. Priesthood, Endowments, Marriage, Family History, Temple Work), which I LOVE!!! I'M OBSESSED WITH TEMPLES!!! But I'll talk about that later. One of our statements is that Reactivation is JUST as important as Baptism. So it's so awesome.
This week was very much less stressful. Actually, right after I emailed you all last Monday, my Companion and I went to Downtown Toronto. It reminded me of how much I LOVE the CITY!!!! We walked by the CN Tower, and the Blue Jays Stadium, and tons of tall buildings. And the people are all so cold. I LOVE IT!!!! I definitely need to send you all some pictures, forgot today. Sorry. Other than that, this week, I went on a Companion Exchange with another companionship which was a lot of fun, we schwarmed again. And I got to do a lot of English work. yipee...Spanish is better. :)
I have eaten some good food lately.  Last Tuesday we went to a member’s house for dinner, and she served us a Peruvian dish called Lomos Saltados. It is steak strips fried with potatoes, onions, and tomatoes, served with rice. It's probably the best thing I've had in months. Also yesterday, the Portuguese Elders had an Octopus Pasta dish and I ate some of that. The Octopus was delicious, the Pasta was average. Other than that, we've gone to a Portuguese Bakery a few times and gotten Chocolate Salami and some other things. I definitely need to get out more and try out some other dishes because there's SO MUCH different stuff here.
I did bring almost all my language books. I'm learning Portuguese a little and brushing up on my Arabic (which is the one book I didn't bring). I'll probably come home knowing English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, and Hindi. Give or take a few. Funny story, I was reading today that the original Gold Plates were a mix of Egyptian, Chaldean, Assyrian, and Arabic. So if I can get those four down, I’m set for life.
The Harp concert sounds incredible!!! Looks like Sophie slipped right in to the famous Flint family. Before, you know it Soph, people are going to start wanting your autograph. Has it happened to me before??...Yes it has. Get better Logan, you also can't afford to get sick, because the public is waiting for YOU. And you can't keep them waiting. Otherwise they'll be an angry mob that starts burning down the city. Has it happened to me before??... Okay, maybe not that one. And good work Micah, with Football. Make sure those Payson Lions know their place. And that's underneath Salem Hills. WAY underneath. Hopefully everybody is getting better at home.
Like I said before in my email, I have a problem. And that problem is my obsession with temples. It's bad, but in a good way. :) The rule about our area is that we have temple days after every transfer I believe, but you can only go if you have a member going with you, for the first time, with their own names. So if I want to go to the temple, I have to help someone else get to the temple. That is very good motivation for me. Because I start to have withdrawals if I don't go to the temple. Not only that though, I see these people who haven't experienced the awesome things I've experienced in these Houses of the Lord and it makes me really sad. They don't understand the joy that they could have and that they haven't filled their full potential. I try not to think about it too much, but one of the main things I have to look forward to in life is Marriage, and seeing these people that have the ability and opportunity to be married and do not seize that opportunity makes me a little bit upset, because THEY DON'T REALIZE THE OPPORTUNITY THEY HAVE!!!! So DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!! The temples are the best places on Earth and NOTHING else on Earth is closer to Heaven than the temples. That's the truth. So don't wait, don't procrastinate, GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!! Right now. Get in the car. GO! It's SO WORTH IT!!!
Love you all.

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