Friday, March 17, 2017

B B B B B B B B B B B BBBBBBBBBAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

B B B B B B B B B B B BBBBBBBBBAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B but I'll talk about that later.
Everything's going great and I'm definitely going to finish SUPER strong, as long as they keep me in Spanish work. Transfers were last night and I'm still kicking it here in Chinguacousy (Brampton) with Elder Hansen. We're both pretty excited because we've got a lot of solid investigators who want to get baptized. Fill up the Font!!!
AH!! I wanted to go to that wedding so bad. I got a wedding invitation and I cried. I can't wait to ice skate when I get home. Being in Canada has made me miss it a lot. And has made me want to play hockey. I'm pretty pumped for college too. :}
LOGAN!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me the details of your love life!!!!!! You're killing me with all these vague comments.
Nice Dad!! I'm not sure what else to say about that. I hope you get what you want, Mom, with the job.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Sophie??? Why are we cursed with strange teeth?? I'm so sorry, but with your pointy teeth, you can bite people and draw blood. That's pretty cool, right?? I'm sorry to hear you're getting braces. But, 'tis better than when you're in High School. Then you hate your life. :) My teeth are doing fine. The one feels kind of loose, but just like it always has. I want these permanent retainers off though. I don't like them. Especially if I do have to get an implant, it'll be easier (and more fun) with a removable retainer. So that's what I'll do.
B B B B B B BBBBBBBIRTHDAY!!!!! Happy Birthday Savannah!!!! Maybe I'll just wait four months and bring you some Kinderbars home, because sending stuff home costs a lot of money that I don't have. I love you!!!! 
Well. This week was pretty awesome.
Monday, we went to NIAGARA FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so good. The Chatter Family is definitely one of the best families in the world. They took us there, took us up the Tower there (it's like a mini CN Tower overlooking the Falls) and there we had a SUPER fancy dinner in the revolving restaurant. I ate salmon. And cheesecake. The Salmon was better. Later we went down to the falls and took a lot of sweet pictures. I'll send you them with this email. It was a ton of fun and on the way there and back, their little three-year old kept throwing things at me and showing me games on her iPad and drawing pictures with me. It was a lot of fun. It made me trunky. Fact.
Tuesday through Thursday was alright.
We met with a lot of solid Investigators who want to get baptized (our Investigator said, when talking about him coming to the baptism, "I hope to see my family there as soon as possible." Score!!). Other than that, we got ready for the baptism, we ate some gourmet ice cream, and had delicious dinner with some members.
Friday, I went on exchanges with The Elder Brett Babbel. One of my best friends in the mission. It was super fun, we did a lot of crazy stuff. We did not stay up 'till four in the morning this time. We decided to get some sleep. Also, on Friday, we had a fun District Meeting where we had some very spiritual conversation and we played a fun game. Friday night, we taught a part-member family the Plan of Salvation, while drawing it out on a white board. I did a pretty good job at drawing. They really enjoyed it.
Saturday was a lot of getting ready for the baptism. We had Stake Conference that night and it was super cool because none of our investigators had told us they were coming, but while we were waiting for the meeting to start, one of our Investigators came in with her RM son. She was SUPER excited to be there and it was SO sweet. We took a picture with her, so I'll send that too. It was a REALLY good experience at Stake Conference that night. I saw a lot of close friends in the Stake that I hadn't seen in a while. 'Twas like a family reunion. A lot of them thought I had gone home, so 'twas a fun surprise.
Sunday was Crazy Day. We had to go early to wash the baptismal font, because the meetings kept us from doing that on Saturday. Then we had to fill up the baptismal font WHILE the Stake Conference was happening. We had a few Investigators at Stake Conference, so we were running back and forth. Eventually, Stake Conference ended and we all got into the baptismal room. The service was beautiful and there were LOTS of non-members there. Some of them did not speak Spanish, so there was a lot of confusion and translation going on. Along with that, there were two bishops, two ward mission leaders, ten missionaries, and our mission president there; so it was pretty intense. She did get baptized though. And she will get confirmed next Sunday. So buckle up for that.   
So I'm pretty pumped to be staying here in the Chinguacousy Ward in the Brampton Stake. This Stake is a family for me here on the mission. While I was sitting there, Saturday night, at Stake Conference, my arm was on the chair of one of my close friends is turning 18 soon and planning on going on a mission, my investigator and other close friends were sitting behind me, one of my "mothers" in the mission was sitting in front of me, and I just took a moment to look around the chapel and see all of these people that I have come to love so dearly. And there were a lot of people there I love. I think sometimes in life, we just need to take a moment and revel in the love and the people that are around us. Life is hectic. Life is crazy. Life is hard sometimes. Those sweet moments pass so fast unless we grab onto them. Enjoy them. So that's my invitation to you all. When in those moments and love and family, take a minute to realize where you are at and how incredible and beautiful life is. That's what Heaven will be like. A never ending feeling of love and family. I love you all. You are all family to me. Have a great week. Chao!!​

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