Thursday, January 19, 2017

Crazy Awesome Week!!!!

Crazy Awesome Week!!!!
I'm glad that life is calming down a little. Busy, but calmer. Ugh, I'm not terribly excited to do group projects. I don't like trusting in other people. People aren't trustable. I love em, but I don't trust em'. :) Clogging?? Good stuff. Something random funny I learned a few weeks ago was how to actually pronounce my first name. I was reading in the Book of Mormon Pronunciation guide and it said Ammon was proununced like "am-un" as in "underneath," not like "am-in" as in "I am in the bathtub." So that's fun. I heart the Book of Mormon!! Also, what hospital was I born in, Mom; and at what time was I born?? Brooklyn and I found out we were both born in Corvallis, Oregon. Her 47 days after I was born. Did you know any Boehmes in Corvallis?? Fun stuff.
This week was pretty great. It started off strong last Monday, because we had a FHE with a Mexican family and they brought their friend who wants to learn more about the church. So we were able to teach him the Restoration and get him started on teaching him. He was super responsive and it all went super well.
On Tuesday, we were able to meet with one of our other investigators who we've been trying to get to church for the longest time, without success. So this was kind of a make it or break it lesson, and she said she'd come to church!! And then she came!!  It was SO good!! But I'll talk about that later.
Wednesday, we helped clean an inactive member's house, so he can feel the Spirit more and want to come back to church. Our progress with him is slow but steady. Later that day, we had an incredible dinner with our ward mission leader, of chicken, rice, asparagus, and parsnip (which I've now tried twice this week, and let me tell you, I Heart Parsnip). WE later had Missionary Coordination, which was good.
Thursday, I went on exchanges with an Elder from Hong Kong, China. I've actually been serving around him for 6 out of the 8 months he's been on his mission. So they were very fun exchanges..until he puked. We had an awesome dinner with a member family. I ate parsnips again. :} Later, in the middle of the night, I woke up because he was throwing up. So that was fun.
The next morning, Friday the 13th!!! We had District Meeting. We told scary stories, ate chicken feet (that some Elders brought), brownies, and of course, we did missionary stuff too. ;) Later that day, we taught some good lessons. We met with our Recent Convert who we were supposed to be going to the Toronto Temple with on Saturday, but due to health problems, we didn't go. So that was pretty upsetting. But life goes on.
So yeah, Saturday we mostly just weekly planned and didn't go to the temple. We did get Pupusas, though. So life got better. :)
Sunday was a crazy stellar day. We had two investigators come to church and we taught Primary again!! It all went super well. Then we had a luncheon after church. Lots of Chili!! We had to leave directly after the luncheon, and then we drove two hours north to a city named Sarnia. I had to do four baptismal interviews yesterday. It was pretty crazy. Luckily everyone passed. We had to stay the night last night here in Sarnia, with the Elders. It was a blast. They made us ribs and potatoes. It was pretty great. So now I'm here in Sarnia emailing. We'll be staying here for the day and then driving back for some appointments. So we're pretty excited. I'm super tired though because we didn't sleep much at all last night. Go missionary life!!
One thing that has been on my mind these last few days has been about Sacrament meeting. I'll try not to rant to much or be negative, but let me tell you, Sacrament Meeting is NOT the place to give deep, intricate, confusing talks. Our sacrament meeting yesterday was honestly not great for our investigators. A High Council Member came down with his "traveling companion." And his "traveling companion" decided not only to talk how God has created innumerable universes and human life on other worlds (and even aliens was brought up), but went on for about 30 minutes, which made it so we had to cancel the intermediate hymn and the High Council Member, who had an incredible talk on asking God for answers (which is exactly what one of our investigators needed) had to condense his talk to about 5 minutes. It was pretty bad. SO, the moral of the story, and the word I want to get out, is that during Sacrament Meeting teach SIMPLE DOCTRINES!!!! Invite the Spirit, teach Simple Doctrine, and bear strong testimony. THAT'S how you make sacrament meeting great. Be aware of your audience. MOST of the time, there are non-members in the congregation. So be smart!!! I love the Gospel and I love focusing and expounding on simple, basic doctrines. It brings the Spirit so much. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week. 3 days and I have six months left. But who's counting?? Not me!! 

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