Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hoo hoo hoo and a ho ho ho. It's getting C-O-L-D here. I love it. Christmas is just around the corner.
I'm glad Zermatt was fun and relaxing. I'd be very jealous that you have the nicities of buying a gallon of milk, but now I can too!!! I will NEVER get used to bagged milk. It's so dumb. And more complicated. I hope the choir concert goes well for Logan. Hey Logan! How is it working with Mr. Bills?? When playing the piano, is it hard to follow him?? Does he ever yell at you and correct you or does he treat you like a king?? He did a little of both with me. We be tight though.
Wow, yeah. Frightmares does bring back some memories. I'm very glad they've kept the tradition going. HAHA!!! SHASTA FOR DAYS!!! I'm sorry the machine didn't work though. Sad day.
If you want to see my wish list from the LDS Bookstore, go to https://ldsbookstore.com/store/shopcart.aspx?cartid=EbSnyQlpBWY%3d
(my username is ammonflint and my password is Amazon Fruit).
So this week was a short one. Well, it felt like that. To begin off, we went to Toronto's Ripley Aquarium. It was STELLAR!! So worth it!!! I think my favorite thing off all were the Cuddle Fish. SO COOL!!! I want to Cuddle with a Cuddle Fish, except for the fact that it'd eat me with insane speeds. I'll send pictures.
But with great fun, comes great sickness. Tuesday and Wednesday I got super sick. Stomach problem stuff. BUT! I didn't throw up and I'm feeling much better now. What really healed me was the famous drink Choco-Nogo!! So for District Meeting, I brought two of the most delicious drinks in the world: Chocolate Milk and Egg Nog. Then I combined them and had everyone try the invention of Elder Joseph Shearer and Elder Ammon Flint. CHOCO-NOGO!!! It was SO good. And afterwards, I felt great! So it's really a great medicine.
Thursday-Saturday I went on exchanges with my good friend Elder Brett Babbel. It was NUTS!!! The first night together, we stayed up talking until 5:00 AM!!! Then we accidentally slept through the alarm and woke up at 8:00 AM. Woops!! The next day, our sushi appointment bombed, which was very upsetting. And our next appointment bombed. Which was also upsetting. But we had a Pupusa appointment and later taught our progressing investigator, which was very successfull and fun. That night I ended up falling asleep around 11:30-12:00. Which was better.
Saturday we had Stake Conference. It was super good. It was all about Missionary Work so I was all for it.
Sunday morning we had Stake Conference again. Also super good. On the way there, we ran into a Colombian member who shot super fast Colombian at me the whole way there. And she rode with us back. It was great. I got super excited to go to Colombia (one day), and I understood just about everything she was saying, so that made me feel good about myself. :) Later that day, we had dinner with one of my favorite Mexican families. Which was fun.
One scripture that has had a big effect on me this week is D&C 121:43. It's not one you'd expect, but it's talking about leadership and it reads. "Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;" I do love this scripture. I've had to use it a few times this week. Reproving, or rebuking others for things they have done. And at times, it is definitely a necessary thing to reprove someone, but it's very important to show an increase of love afterwards. That love shows many strong points of the reprover: humility, charity, etc. So for all those who need reprove someone. Make sure you love them afterwards, because not only does it help the reprover feel more love for the person; it helps the person feel cared about and loved, which is very important. I love you all and hope that I don't have to reprove any of you...but we'll see. ;) Chao!!

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