Tell Sister Warr she's missing out on my beautiful voice. But yeah,
I'll play. That is, if I'm still active in the church. Haha. Just
kidding. I'll always be active in the church...i hope...
glad I'll be able to sleep in the Radon filled basement. If it hasn't
messed me up enough yet, it'll have it's chance to mess me up more.
I'm glad to hear about Dad. Well, if I don't have Cancer from the Radon, I'll definitely be getting it from Dad.
NO NO NO!! You should wait for me to do the live temple session. We can do it on Wednesday
when I get back. I want to go to one so bad!! Can missionaries do
that?? Whatever. I'll take off my name tag if I have to. ;) Just wait
one day!!
Why is Logan in the closet?? He needs to come out of the closet. And go on some dates with some girls.
Well this week has been a lot of Lasts. Let's see how many I can come up with:
last time at Smokes (for a while) - Elder Babbel and I went. Like
always, it was delicious (I'll send some pics). We then went with some
missionaries to a Bowling Alley nearby. It was very fun.
last dinner with the Acosta Family - It started out by me sight reading a
bunch of piano songs for them. The Mom told me later that I inspired
them to practice the piano more, so that was great.
My last day in Black Creek.
My last day serving with Elder Hansen.
My last exchange - I got to see a bunch of people in Black Creek for my last time. 'Twas very nice.
My last sports night - Played soccer on exchanges.
last time serving on Toronto Temple grounds - There were a lot of
Spiders in the flower beds, so I got bit a bunch. Now I'm Spiderman.
last time serving for Knight's Table - I said goodbye to all the
workers there. Here's a pic of me and Johnathan. He was kind of our
Supervisor. We called him Captain.
My last District Meeting -
Well, I had three this week. They were all interesting. There's some
pictures from one of them I'm trying to get a hold of. I'll send them if
I can find them.
My last time doing Daily Dose - The English
Classes. We had a party afterwards with the students and one of the Old
Indian Ladies I helped came and gave me a hug. It was very sweet.
My last few times with the Chatters - We ate with the Chatters Wednesday and Sunday. We helped stain their deck on Saturday. It was so much fun. One of my favorite families in the world.
My first and last time at Carabram - So we helped with this big Celebration in Brampton Thursday - Sunday.
It's a big Caribbean thing where people set up booths in this big City
Center and sell stuff like food, clothes, or for us...Salvation! We
helped with a Family History booth, and let me tell you, it was awesome.
We handed out like a hundred pamphlets and met a lot of people
interested in Family History. We took some screen shots on some iPads,
of our own Family History counts to show people what it's like. So I
guess my first and last time being an iPad missionary. ;) Blew some
peoples' minds about how big my family tree is. Shout out to Mom for
doing all the work!! We met a lot of awesome people, ate a lot of good
food, and had a lot of fun.
My last barbecue with the APs - Last Saturday was our third Saturday
in a row that we barbecued. It was simple. Jerk Chicken and S'mores. So
if I didn't get enough Caribbean food at Carabram, I definitely got
some at the Barbecue.
My last Sacrament Meeting as a Missionary - At
the beginning of Sacrament meeting, Bishop invited me to give my
testimony for the last time and I bawled my eyes out and told them how
much I was going to miss the whole Ward. There were a bunch of people in
the congregation crying too. I basically cried through my whole
testimony and through the rest of Sacrament Meeting. I was sitting up by
the Organ, so everyone could see me struggle. Later on Sunday,
I was invited to Primary and all the Primary students and teachers
signed this sign for me and then they sang "I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus"
for me, while I played the piano. A few Primary kids were even crying. And so, of course, I cried. Then we took some pictures. Then I said goodbye to basically everyone. Then we went home.
last church meeting as a missionary - It was a missionary meeting with
all the Bishops, Ward Mission Leaders, and Ward Missionaries in the
Stake. So I got to see some of my old Bishops and Ward Mission Leaders
and Members. It was sweet. One member from Black Creek brought me a hat
from the Dominican Republic and a tie (probably from Canada).
last time teaching the Mexican Migrant Workers - We went and I taught
the English Class. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, I realized that that
was my last full day of missionary work. So that was pretty weird.
My last Transfer Calls - I'm going home!!
My last time packing my bags on the mission - I finished this morning.
last P-Day - Today. We're going to Toronto to say goodbye to some
members. Then we're going to Bishop's house to have a Barbecue and say
goodbye to his family. Then we're meeting with Victor and Hillary later tonight to say goodbye. Then tomorrow, I say goodbye to some missionaries. And the rest is History.
will be my last Group Email as a missionary. I could go into tons of
details about how much I've learned on my mission and how I feel like I
gave it my all. But that would take a long time. So if you really want
to talk about it. Ask me later and I'd be happy to give you a
play-by-play of the last two years. ;) I will always say though, the
biggest thing I learned on my mission is how to have Charity and what
Charity is. Leaving my family, friends, and loved ones was the hardest
thing for me to do, when coming out on the mission. And now, going home,
leaving the members: my family, friends, and loved ones is definitely
the hardest thing for me right now to do. I love you all and hope to see
you all soon!!
Hasta Luego
Elder Ammon Joseph Flint